Sunday 3 April 2011

Year 4 so far

Year 4 held a lot less drama! (thank God)...... Makayla is not what I would consider coordinated and she has had some issues with cracking her teeth, and probably from a combination of her bodies crappy job at using nutrients and the fact that Makayla loves to eat any and all inedible objects, her teeth have paid the price this year. After knocking out the lower half of her 2 front teeth and the wait list for kids like her having been an entire year to have work done poor little Mak had to have the remainder of those teeth pulled out cause they were causing her so much darn grief. Now there is a sight, 3 grown adults holding a 28 pound mini person down in order to literally yank her teeth out ( barf). Thats right people she was wide awake 1, 2, 3 ... go!! I figured you were all wondering why that beautiful little smile was missing a few pearly whites!! Mak than chipped another and finally the hospital found her a spot to have it fixed along with a cavity!!! Most kids go in and say "ahhhhhh" to have a couple cavities filled, but not our Mickey Moo she has to go to the hospital for a day surgery procedure and be gassed asleep in an operating room. ( nothing like lying your 3 year old down on a steel table with a room full of strangers, watching as she loses consciousness and than walking away!!) However this is how it seems to go for Makayla!!!

Next came our neuromuscular specialist, who specializes in diagnosing rare diseases. Since Makayla's speech never came back, she is considered to have regressed. Regression is NOT a part of Cerebral Palsy. So he suggested that we do a new MRI which we are currently still waiting for seeing how the waitlist at Mcmaster can take up to 2 years. He also suggested we have a muscle and skin biopsy done to check for mitochondrial diseases ( I am often flabbergasted at the lists of diseases and disorders that exist in this world, one's that are next to impossible to pronounce) Anyways 8 weeks ago tomorrow we headed to McMaster hospital again to have this procedure done. At this point we have been getting use to the whole battle of the IV but what happened next was an absolute shocker for us! The sedation medicine used caused a strange reaction in Makayla's muscles unlike anything I had ever scene or ever hope to see again. Her entire body went into myoclonic spasm, she could barely breath and her eyes were bulging ( she was scared to death and so were we) the nurse held her jaw open so to keep her airway open  but after a minute or two it had not subsided. Next came a similar drug to what she takes at night to calm everything down. It worked and she relaxed but not before scarring us for life! The doctor than cut out a small chunk of muscle and skin and stitched up her leg. We are currently waiting for these results and it is not an easy wait.

1 comment:

  1. Fra this is such a great idea. You write so beautifully. Thanks for sharing this intimate part of your life. I'm so happy to be a part of it. Love you.
