Tuesday 19 April 2011

Things that make me cringe!

Makayla has taken up a new hobby! She likes to stick her hand down her throat and make herself throw up!! Why on earth is she doing this?? Well over the last month Makayla endured a chain of unfortunate events! She got the flu which caused some awful vomiting, which than turned into quite an ear infection which caused her little body not to keep anything down, which than lead to dehydration which sent us on a trip to the hospital. Luckily after some intravenous drugs, and lots of fluids through her IV we went home. Than a whole crap load of antibiotics! (crap load is my technical term) Somewhere in this mess of sickness Makayla got some strange idea that hey this whole puking thing is kinda interesting!! So here we are dealing with a new problem and a heck of a lot of laundry!!

Why this makes me cringe besides the obvious! Well Mak is already underweight, and lost almost 2 pounds while being sick, which is a lot on a mini person, and because of her high muscle tone she burns nearly 5 times as many calories as a typical kid. So if she keeps up this habit how on earth is she going to gain weight!!? Next is the effects of stomach bile (this  stuff is designed to literally breakdown food!). Imagine what it does to one's esophagus lining, tooth enamel, and gums! (I would like to insert curse word her but will refrain) Did you know that a bulimic's teeth are completely rotten?

What to do? Well mr. google found no magical answer, just a few other parents seeking advice! Her therapists and teachers are at a loss! So now we wait for a behavioural therapist! Who knows how long that list is. In the meantime LAUNDRY!!

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