Tuesday 12 July 2011

Monster Mash!!!!!!!

Monsters Glamour Shot!

Days can seem long, weeks can seem endless, and years seem to fly by! There have been moments over the last 4 years when I doubted my ability to survive the day, there have been circumstances so tough I wanted nothing more than to quit, but when I look at this picture I know that somehow it was all worth it. Makayla's Journey has been unique and exhausting but here is what I have learned.

The people I thought would be there the most.... are not! I am just beginning to realize that perhaps it is not because they didn't want to be, but more because they didn't know how. People I did not know a short time ago are here because they know the pain so well, here in lies a bond not many will ever share, and I could never express how grateful I am for it. People I have never met....care, and blessings are disguised in the strangest of ways!

Next Saturday, July 23rd will be our first Monster Mash! A fundraiser for our little Makayla! We hope to give her the best life she deserves by getting her all things that will allow her to be a kid regardless the cost. Most parents buy their kids a bike for a hundred bucks, hers will cost fifteen hundred! Most parents buy a potty for twenty bucks, hers will cost 900. Most kids can go to any park and swing all day if they wanted, Mak can't and probably never will. A specially adapted swing $700. The lists go on and on and therefore MONSTER MASH! 

However I have found this asking for help thing to be very difficult, I have a  little problem with pride and control so allowing others in to help is way out of my comfort zone but it has allowed me to see some good in the world again. I had started to become hard and bitter, let's be honest it isn't easy watching every other mother walk hand in hand with their kid and talk about why God made flowers. Since deciding to plan this event people I have never met have offered to help in a whole bunch of different ways. It's been pretty awesome! So to all you kind hearted people that do exist, thank you! It couldn't have come at a better time! 

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