Tuesday 15 March 2011

Let's do a little catch up! Makayla's first year!

    Well here we go! Year 1!! Feels like a whole longer ago than what it was! Makayla was born 10 days over due, and without getting to icky she was literally yanked out by her head by a student midwife!! (Don't get me started) The bruising around her head was so bad that we called her 'blueberry' for a very long time! After she was born we spent a whole 3hours in the hospital before we headed home! ( Crazy now looking back!) Things seemed to be going pretty good except for a rather cranky newborn! Makyala twitched A LOT in her sleep to the that it was very hard for her to stay asleep for any length of time at all. I have video of her twitching away in her sleep only a few days old! I was told this was normal ! It wasn't!! Makayla starting having these seizure activities from the very beginning but no one did a thing until she was nearly 2 years old! Here began the beginning of our not so good medical experience! At 19 days old we took Makayla to the local emergency, she had become very lethargic and wasn't keeping much down! The pediatrician who I had been told was the 'best' and we were in 'very good hands' came in and decided that she needed to run some bloodwork and do a lumbar puncture to check for a serious type of infection. Makayla learned than and there that DR's are simply not to be trusted!!! She was the strongest most vocal baby that Doc had ever seen! After hours of trying to get an IV to start an antibiotic (before they even had any proof of infection might I add) they shaved her hair and got a usable vein in her head! Horrifying would be a good word to describe this experience! Next came the lumbar puncture! This 'great' Dr had been up working for 17 hours and after rubbing her weary eyes attempted to stick a long needle into a 9lb babies spine! Makayla would simply not give in!!! after several attempts and an entire team of nurses holding this infant down the Dr gave up! She said it was the first dry lumbar puncture she ever had in 25 years of practice! After a few days we were sent home with no answers and a very pissed off child!!

    Well colicky would be a way to describe the rest of that first year! Makayla  was tired and cranky and very attached to mama!   Her body  continued to jerk and twitch her awake night after night! Most  nights I was up 5 to 10 times sometimes for hours each time to calm her back down! Apparently this was normal because we had allowed her to get use to sleeping in our bed, or allowed her to drink from a bottle! I read lots of books and tried everything but it was all utterly useless!

   At 8 months old a little light bulb went on, Makayla couldn't eat her toes! As weird as that sounds that was the moment I realized how tight Makayla was! Babies ate their toes!!! Makayla couldn't even remotely get her foot near her mouth! Not to mention she still couldn't remotely sit up or crawl!

   Specialist number 1! We had just moved up north and did not have a Dr. so I made some calls and 1 developmental Pediatrician had a cancellation that week! (life would never be the same) After a 30 minute car ride with my still screaming child we went through about a 40 minute question and answer period and some very simple tests! Expecting to hear that Makayla had tight muscles and would need to do some physio, we were beyond shocked when the Dr asked us what our worst fears were??? My answer do to previous googling activities was 'cerebral palsy'. Well that is what I'm thinking she said. We were told that Makayla would have a life long disability that day and everything after that sounded like muffled garble as I fought back tears.

1 comment:

  1. How scary is it to look back, and see now what we didn't know then... so scary. She is just a beautiful little princess, and so many people will learn about her amazing journey, and how inspiring you and Bryan are.

