Friday 18 March 2011

Catching on up - year 3

Year 3, I call this the year of the ambulance, the hospital stays, and withdrawals! In the summer after Makayla turned 3, she had a very difficult time waking up one morning. It was just the 2 of us home and after waking up she could barely stay awake, she seemed disoriented and very clumsy. You never want to think the worst but suddenly Mak lost consciousness! I dialed 911 and within a few minutes a whole lot of people were in my house! Her breathing had become very labored and her eyes were totally rolled back into her head. As the fireman tried to rouse her and put oxygen mask over her mouth she didn't even wince. She wasn't there! She couldn't tell the difference between me and these perfect strangers. ( Now considering how anti social Mak was this was incredibly crazy for me.) At the hospital she was hooked up to all the essentials, they took blood, and than we waited, and waited and waited. Mak was unconscious for 10 hours!! This feels like an eternity in the emerge when its your baby!! The pediatrician figured this to be a post dictal period after what must have been seizures ( sudden loss of consciousness, eyes rolled back, etc.) It had been suspected that it was a stroke but her cat scan was clear! So what do you think they did, thats right people they gave her a huge dose of meds!! Once she finally started waking the meds had caused a strange reaction, what was labeled as thrashing about! Now to explain all the details would take up a whole lot of blogs so I'm gonna give you a short version.

    The next day we went home. Her pediatrician than added a regular dose of anti seizure medication to her already large dose of muscle relaxant and botox injections. Makayla hated these new meds, she fought tooth and nail, and would spit as much out as possible. (perhaps she knew better) Now without using any profanity it will be hard for me to get my point across here, Makayla turned into a possessed child who wanted to crawl out of her own skin! She screamed night and day, there is no question in my mind that she was hallucinating ( and the sights were not rainbows and sunshine).  We tried changing from tablets to liquid but  it was useless we were doomed.  Now one would think well at least she isn't having anymore seizures, well thats what we thought until we went to visit Oma and Grandad in Peterborough(3 hours away). I had a girls night and had to race back to find Mak nearly unconscious again, the cycle repeats ( 911, emerge. IV, little old dr with a bow tie, heavy does of different med, 15 hours of waiting for her to wake up) However this time she presented with some stroke like symptoms in the ambulance. ( scariest moment ever up to this point) She tried crying but only half her mouth would open. Dr Bow tie called the thrashing about 'scratching at demons' which is not what I wanted to hear but totally what I thought. To be continued...

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