Thursday 14 April 2011

Results and words

The results came back last week! I am happy to say that everything is negative! Makayla does not have any progressive or fatal mitochondrial diseases that they can tell at this time! What a relief! Now when I first read the letter I was relieved but oddly I found myself very annoyed as well. I felt like I had wasted so much energy and time not only my going through the whole procedure but also worrying about what may be! It took me about a week to actually feel the real weight lift off of my shoulders! We can move forward now accepting that Makayla is just Makayla. She is made uniquely and wonderfully! It may have been nice to have some sort of scientific and medical answers but I would rather no answers ever if the answers were worse than the unknown! With the unknown there are no boundaries, no limits to how much she can achieve!  Every day may be a challenge but every achievement however small or grand we will see as a gift perhaps even a a miracle.

"Serenity is not freedom from the storm but rather peace within the storm."

Over the last couple of weeks the silence was broken!!! Makayla is now saying 'Mama, Dada, Bob, bear, and yeah!' She is also finally waving bye bye and consistently saying please to ask for what she wants! Though the last weeks she has been sick and the days have seemed somewhat endless with fevers, and frustration, I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel every time I hear that tiny voice I have waited so long to hear! Ahhh serenity now!!

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