Thursday 6 October 2011

A rusted white bus

Its been a long time since my last blog, I suppose time really does fly when your having fun! Makayla started JK in September. I stressed all summer about how this was going to be. I feared her  screaming as I strapped her into her wheel chair and having an anxiety attack while the bus driver pulled away. However summer was hot and Makayla doesn't do well in the heat. Soooo as the school year quickly approached I was ready to wave goodbye regardless of the protests! Now here's the kicker, its the little things in the special needs world that make you go well that just sucks!I had one of these moments on the first day of school when we were patiently waiting for our cute yellow school bus that we had toured the week earlier. Suddenly a short rusted white bus came to stop out side our house! I was devastated!!! As if its not bad enough that I have to wheel my kid onto the short bus for her first day of school but the damn thing isn't even yellow, and rust??? Really???? I was sad and angry and worse of all the dreaded harness had to be put on now! (I'd like to think of myself as a steel wall in the emotional realm but my eyes weld up with tears) suddenly I realized that perhaps all this time of stressing about how Makayla was going to react to this new period of her life was really panic of how I was going to react!!!!! Aghhhh!!!!! Funny how things work however cause before I knew it she was gone on a short white rusted school bus with perfect strangers! But wait a minute I could hear something I hadn't heard in a very, very long time.... silence! Ahhhhh peace and quiet and a bath calling my name! It was there and then I knew that I would be just fine!

Makayla turned out to love her first day of school and every day since for that matter (knock on wood). She is happier than she has ever been, and a happy monster makes for a happy mama, and there is something kinda funny about just how much I love that rusty old school bus now!

On a quick health update from the 12 tubes of blood, so far everything is normal and it could take up till Christmas to have all of the results in. I have been anxious up until now to get them but suddenly have realized it simply won't change anything, so for now Im just gonna enjoy the silence a little every day!

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