Wednesday 13 November 2013

It has been a loooong time since my last blog. I suppose I needed a break to focus on survival through the summer months as Makayla was in and out of hospital numerous times with various gtube infections and recurring throat infections. It was difficult and exhausting and really not worthy of blogging. However after what I consider an epic achievement in surviving summer we were greeted with a very pleasant September and the blessing of full day school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong people I love spending loads of quality time with my girlie but she was just as sick of me as I was of trying to find entertainment and endless amounts of energy to keep up with her needs!!

SOOOOO September 3rd the bus shows up and whisks her off to a regular school for the first time in her life. In previous years this was a stressful moment but this year it was a small cause for celebration, dancing and a massive sigh of relief!! Looking back over the last 6 and a half years I can recall numerous times when I pep talked myself into believing that all I had to do was make it to this moment!! Give me a challenge and I suppose this is where I thrive best! Through the trials of 6 years of health problems, doctors appointments, tests, more tests, and more tests I think I switched fully into survival mode which is I think exactly what I needed to do but this week.... HOPE reigns supreme!!

After 2 months of school where Makayla gets tons of hands on help, tons of new vitamins and supplements and med changes, and mostly tons of epic proportions of Makaylas sudden eagerness to learn, communicate, and walk we are experiencing gains in massive strides. Makyala took 39 steps independently in a row last week!! Here is a moment I say that I believe it was so worth it. I am a proud mama to say the least, and filled with joy in abundance watching the pride that covers Makaylas face!!! And at the sake of sounding cheesy... YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!! If this is not a story of determination and inspiration I just don't know what is! Today I believe fully that all things are possible and faith should never be taken for granted!! Today is a great day so doing something great with it!